For several years ILCAM have been the main sponsor of the A.S.D. Manzanese Calcio (Football Club).
The fact that the Junior Youth Team (boys born in the year 2001) won the Category Football Championship and the Regional Youth Team (boys born in the year 2000) are Regional Youth Football Champions 2016/2017, fills us with joy and satisfaction.
In recent years, Manzanese have focused their efforts on growing their youth sector and, seeing the results, these efforts have been rewarded.
“The results obtained create a target and are a stimulus so that next season other children can realize their sporting dreams” said Nelio Taboga, President of Manzanese Calcio, and all of us at ILCAM are confident if they continue to work hard and stick together as a group their dreams will turn into reality.
Not by chance, we have always pursued business improvement goals with the certainty that through teamwork, the strength of team spirit, and a weighted strategy, achievements inevitably arrive.
To conclude, our compliments go not only to the players and managers, but also to the President and his collaborators, who passionately promote football as an aggregation tool for young people.